Final Major Project: Critical Project Evaluation

Initial proposal aims

The project set out to explore the (non-clinical) therapeutic effects of creative practice. 

Analysis of process and outcomes

I have devised and followed a six week programme of expressive art activities. Over the course of that time I have experimented with a wide variety of media and explored and taken inspiration from the approaches of different practitioners ― from art and colour therapists, to ‘the great’ artists, and contemporary ceramicists, artists and textile artists. 

Critical review of approaches and processes

I set myself free to experiment without focus on outcome. The Mandala exercise in particular evolved from a process of copying through to a recurring use of circular, decorative forms that is visible in the final outcome for the ‘comfort cards’ pack.

Challenges faced

My greatest challenge throughout the project has been my own perfectionism and creative block ― and this is what the process was specifically designed to address.

Solutions found

Through having a clear timeline and programme of activities to fulfil each week, I continued to be highly productive and create a large volume of work. In terms of refining the quality of that work, the best solution has been to translate initial sketched ideas into digital illustration on Procreate where I can edit, polish and finesse my images.

Learning that has taken place through the project

I have built confidence in using colour, both through researching colour theory and by practical experiments in paint and on screen.

I have continued to strengthen my visual style: a combination of backgrounds created with paint and photography, with fine line illustration.

I have researched artists’ and art therapists’ practice, and continue to learn how sketchbook and preparatory work can build confidence and help with mental wellbeing as well as inform final outcomes.

Evaluation of overall success of the project

The final outcomes have both been enjoyable to create and resulted in objects I will continue to find helpful in the future, as reminders of self-compassion and that, as Milton Glaser says (Adobe Creative Cloud, 2016) ‘this is not a struggle. It is a joyful, wonderful activity’.

Potential ways to continue to improve your work in the future

To be able to print larger scale, and to get my work professionally printed. To devise a design template to make little books folded from a single sheet of A4. To improve my product photography skills and possibly expand to moving image. To continue practising proportion and scale in my illustration/drawing. And to continue experiments with and understanding of colour.


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